Categories Select Category Fuel Type Animal Power Biofuels Coal Electricity Gas Nuclear Oil Solar Water Power Wind Library Objects Sector Consumption Extraction Refining Transportation Source Book Film Government Document Graph Journal Letter Newspaper Photograph Theme Culture Economics Environment Labor Law National Security Politics Time Period 1800-1850 1850-1900 1900-1950 1950-1970 1970-Present Invisible Network. A Million Miles of Pipeline. TIME Map by R.M. Chapin, Jr. Daniel Patrick Moynihan letter to John Ehrlichman regarding carbon dioxide and climate change, 1969. Prepared Statement of Donald L. Rasmussen, MD (Chief Pulmonary Section, Beckley Appalachian Regional Hospital), and “Cigarette Smoke Worse Than Coal Dust” The Effects of Coal Mining, Visualized: Environmental Damage The Effects of Coal Mining, Visualized: Scope and Tools The Effects of Coal Mining, Visualized: Social Experimental Vehicles at the First Symposium on Low Pollution Power Systems Development, 1973 (gallery). “Sunbathers at Huntington Beach and an oil platform offshore,” 1975. Gerald R. Ford: “Statement on the Energy Policy and Conservation Act,” December 22, 1975. Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 Jimmy Carter, “Water Resource Projects Message to the Congress,” February 21, 1977. “Sun Day,” May 3, 1978 President Jimmy Carter, “Remarks at the Solar Energy Research Institute,” May 3, 1978. 1970’s Amtrak Oil Crisis Advertisements (gallery) Robert E. Murray to Michael R. Pence, “Action Plan for the Administration of Donald J. Trump,” March 1, 2017 Bureau of Reclamation, “Jewel of the Colorado” Video “Stand Up / Stand N Rock #NoDAPL” “Reddy Kilowatt” Tennessee Ernie Ford, “Sixteen Tons,” (The Dinah Shore Show – 1956) Historical Crude Oil Prices ←Previous Page 1 2 3 4 5 … 8 Next Page→