Energy History resources from across the web.
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Academic Websites
Energy History Project (Harvard, Cambridge, MIT)
Cultures of Energy (Rice)
Primary Source Collection on Energy (Christopher Newport University)
Government Websites
United States Energy Information Agency
International Energy Agency
Nuclear Regulatory Commission history links
Energy History–Online Sources
- Wind
- History of Wind Energy (Collaborative Economics for Environmental Defense Fund)
- History of Wind Energy (Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy)
- History of Wind Energy (Wind Energy Foundation)
- The American Wind Charger Industry (The Solar Foundation)
- Coal
- Kentucky Coal Education (Kentucky Foundation)
- History of Coal Mining in Nova Scotia (Gary W. Ellerbrok)
- A Brief History of Coal Use (U.S. Department of Energy)
- Oil
- The History of the Oil Industry (San Joaquin Valley Geology)
- Petroleum History (American Oil & Gas Historical Society)
- A Short History of Energy (Union of Concerned Scientists)
- Extreme Oil (
- Nuclear
- Teach Nuclear (Canadian Nuclear Association)
- Nuclear Proliferation International History Project (Wilson Center)
- The Manhattan Project (Atomic Heritage Foundation)
- Atomic Timeline (Atomic Heritage Foundation)
- The Manhattan Project: An Interactive History (U.S. Department of Energy)
- Hanford History Project (Washington State University-Tri Cities)
- Nevada Test Site Oral History Project (University of Nevada Las Vegas)
- (Gale Family Library)
- Other/General
- TVA: Electricity for All (VCU Library)
- Energy Overview (Our World In Data)
- Planete-Energies (Sponsored by Total)
Historical Energy Statistics
European Energy Data (Harvard University)
Oil and Gas Data and Statistics (Railroad Commission of Texas)
Interactive/For Kids
Energy Kids (Energy Information Administration)
Energy Education for Kids (Imperial Irrigation District)
Kids’ Corner: A Brief History of Energy (Central Hudson)
History of Climate Politics