Categories Select Category Fuel Type Animal Power Biofuels Coal Electricity Gas Nuclear Oil Solar Water Power Wind Library Objects Sector Consumption Extraction Refining Transportation Source Book Film Government Document Graph Journal Letter Newspaper Photograph Theme Culture Economics Environment Labor Law National Security Politics Time Period 1800-1850 1850-1900 1900-1950 1950-1970 1970-Present Energy Information Administration, “Retail Motor Gasoline and On-Highway Diesel Fuel Prices, 1949-2011” U.S. Natural Gas Pipeline Network, 2009 EPA, “Meeting Community Needs, Protecting Human Health and the Environment” circa 2001 or 2002 “Earth on Empty” SUV Ticket Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA) of 1978, Fact Sheet. “Principles of Environmental Justice,” First National People of Color Environmental Justice Leadership Summit, Washington, DC, 1991. Ronald Reagan Republican National Convention Acceptance Speech (excerpt), July 17, 1980 President Jimmy Carter’s Remarks at White House Solar Panel Dedication Ceremony, 1979. “‘Last Resort’ Offers Dubious Delights: Kentuckians Fight for Safe Water,” by Jerry Hardt, Mountain Life & Work, November 1983 E & P Forum, “Oil Industry Operating Guideline for Tropical Rainforests,” 1991. Appalachian Research and Defense Fund of Kentucky, Summary of Major Case Activities and Litigation, 1987-1989 Map of the Elwha River and Tributaries with Dams. Life in the Coalfield J.S. Pughe, “Old King Coal’s Crown in Danger” Puck Magazine, 1902. Jimmy Carter, “Crisis of Confidence” Speech, July 15, 1979 (excerpts) Jimmy Carter, “Address to the Nation on Energy,” April 18, 1977 (excerpts) Richard Nixon, “Address to the Nation About Policies To Deal With the Energy Shortages,” November 7, 1973 (excerpts) Political Cartoon: Held Up at the Pump Time, Magazine Cover “The Big Car: End of the Affair” Gas Shortages, Oregon 1973-74 (gallery) ←Previous Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 … 8 Next Page→