Abalone Alliance, “Declaration of Nuclear Resistance,” 1978 Categories: 1970-Present, Consumption, Culture, Environment, Journal, Library Objects, Nuclear, Politics
Lenore Marshall, “The Nuclear Sword of Damocles,” 1971 Categories: 1970-Present, Consumption, Culture, Environment, Journal, Library Objects, Nuclear, Politics
Glenn T. Seaborg, “Environmental Effects of Producing Electric Power,” 1969 Categories: 1950-1970, Consumption, Culture, Environment, Government Document, Library Objects, Nuclear, Politics
SANE Protests the Arms Race, 1957 Categories: 1950-1970, Consumption, Culture, Environment, Library Objects, National Security, Newspaper, Nuclear, Politics
Time Lapse Video of Elwha River Dam Removals, 2011-2012 Categories: 1970-Present, Environment, Extraction, Film, Library Objects, Water Power
Statement of Beatrice Charles, Tribal Elder, Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, June 1992 Categories: 1970-Present, Culture, Environment, Extraction, Government Document, Library Objects, Water Power
Video: “The Cracking of Glen Canyon Dam with Edward Abbey and Earth First!” (1982) Categories: 1970-Present, Culture, Environment, Extraction, Film, Library Objects, Politics, Water Power
Sierra Club Grand Canyon dam advertisements, 1966 Categories: 1950-1970, Economics, Environment, Extraction, Journal, Library Objects, Newspaper, Politics, Water Power
Bureau of Reclamation, “Lake Powell: Jewel of the Colorado,” 1965 Categories: 1950-1970, Culture, Economics, Electricity, Environment, Extraction, Government Document, Library Objects, Water Power
Upper Columbia United Tribes, “Grand Coulee and the Forgotten Tribe” Categories: 1900-1950, 1970-Present, Culture, Economics, Environment, Extraction, Film, Law, Library Objects, Water Power