“When you ride ALONE you ride with Hitler!” U.S. Government Propaganda Poster, 1943. Categories: 1900-1950, Biofuels, Consumption, Government Document, Library Objects, National Security
Details on the Whale Oil Trade in New Bedford, 1889 Categories: 1850-1900, Biofuels, Economics, Extraction, Library Objects
“Grand Ball Given by the Whales,” Vanity Fair, April 20, 1861 Categories: 1850-1900, Biofuels, Environment, Extraction, Journal, Library Objects, Oil
Whale Map by Matthew F. Maury, 1851 Categories: 1850-1900, Biofuels, Economics, Extraction, Government Document, Graph, Library Objects
Whaling Log of Thomas Knowles, 1859 Categories: 1850-1900, Animal Power, Biofuels, Economics, Environment, Extraction, Journal, Labor, Library Objects