“When you ride ALONE you ride with Hitler!” U.S. Government Propaganda Poster, 1943. Categories: 1900-1950, Biofuels, Consumption, Government Document, Library Objects, National Security
Southern California Edison Co. Transmission System Map, 1947 Categories: 1900-1950, Economics, Environment, Extraction, Library Objects, Photograph, Transportation, Water Power
President Eisenhower, “Address Before the General Assembly of the United Nations on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy,” December 8, 1953. Categories: 1950-1970, Government Document, Library Objects, National Security, Nuclear, Politics
OPEC Treaty, September 14, 1960 Categories: 1950-1970, Economics, Extraction, Government Document, Library Objects, Oil, Politics
Invisible Network. A Million Miles of Pipeline. TIME Map by R.M. Chapin, Jr. Categories: 1950-1970, Economics, Environment, Gas, Graph, Library Objects, Oil, Transportation
Daniel Patrick Moynihan letter to John Ehrlichman regarding carbon dioxide and climate change, 1969. Categories: 1950-1970, Coal, Consumption, Environment, Gas, Letter, Library Objects, Oil
Prepared Statement of Donald L. Rasmussen, MD (Chief Pulmonary Section, Beckley Appalachian Regional Hospital), and “Cigarette Smoke Worse Than Coal Dust” Categories: 1950-1970, Coal, Extraction, Government Document, Labor, Library Objects, Politics
The Effects of Coal Mining, Visualized: Environmental Damage Categories: 1970-Present, Coal, Environment, Extraction, Government Document, Labor, Library Objects, Photograph
The Effects of Coal Mining, Visualized: Scope and Tools Categories: 1970-Present, Coal, Environment, Extraction, Government Document, Labor, Library Objects, Photograph
The Effects of Coal Mining, Visualized: Social Categories: 1970-Present, Coal, Environment, Extraction, Government Document, Labor, Library Objects, Photograph