Allan Pinkerton, “The Mollie Maguires and the Detectives,” 1877. Categories: 1850-1900, Coal, Extraction, Labor, Library Objects, Politics
“An Act Relative to the Pollution of Rivers,” Massachusetts State Law, 1878. Categories: 1850-1900, Environment, Extraction, Government Document, Library Objects, Water Power
Orville H. Platt, “Invention and Advancement,” 1891. Categories: 1850-1900, Coal, Consumption, Culture, Economics, Electricity, Extraction, Government Document, Library Objects
Rev. John McDowell, “Life of a Coal Miner,” 1902 Categories: 1900-1950, Coal, Extraction, Journal, Labor, Library Objects
Eugene Debs remembers the Molly Maguires, 1907. Categories: 1900-1950, Coal, Extraction, Labor, Library Objects, Newspaper
Editorial, “Muscle Shoals– Ours,” The Nation, 1924. Categories: 1900-1950, Economics, Extraction, Journal, Library Objects, Politics, Water Power
TVA, “Toward an Electrified America,” 1934 Categories: 1900-1950, Consumption, Culture, Economics, Electricity, Extraction, Government Document, Library Objects
“Trouble at Lake Village,” Winnipesaukee Gazette, October 1, 1859. Categories: 1850-1900, Economics, Extraction, Library Objects, Newspaper, Politics, Water Power
John D. Battle, Executive Secretary of the National Coal Association, Statement on Tennessee Valley Authority, 1935. Categories: 1900-1950, Coal, Economics, Electricity, Extraction, Government Document, Water Power
W.P.A. Federal Theatre Project Living Newspaper, “Power” by Arthur Arent Categories: 1900-1950, Consumption, Culture, Economics, Electricity, Extraction, Government Document, Library Objects, Politics, Water Power